Desiree Popper Gives Advice on How to be Happy

Jenny Hopkins Fame
4 min readMar 23, 2021

Desiree Popper is an emerging actress and is one of the true examples of surviving in the face of perseverance. Desiree grew up on the rough streets of Brazil, and had an incredibly tough childhood. They used to survive on scraps, with barely any food to put on the table.

Desiree knew that she had to do something, and started off with a career in modeling, before steering towards acting. She’s quite popular now, having done roles in Mare Fuori and Let’s Stay Friends. Despite the overwhelming challenges that she has faced, here’s what Desiree had to say about being happy.

1. Write and pursue your dreams

Among the best ways to channel and externalize our ideas and emotions, the habit of writing is first on the list. This practice is very useful not only to express ourselves, but also to materialize what is going around in the head.

From there you can, for example, organize your day, a trip or a goal you want to achieve. Having something to remind you of it helps you not lose your way. You can also make a list of the things that make you happy, not only to put them into practice, but also to get to know yourself better.

Always keeping a diary of the things you live and of which you want to live is a detail that will come in handy and will help you achieve your dreams, like a map in the important mission of being happy.

2. Travel as many times as you can

The importance of traveling is that you travel new paths and discover wonders that remain in your memory forever. By achieving that contact with the new, your mind experiences the happiness and satisfaction that you long for, because you have freed yourself from the natural fear of the unknown. Trips are experiences that, just thinking about them, make us smile; therefore, it is the best advice to be happy.

When you travel alone, you give yourself a space for yourself: to breathe, to think and to connect with yourself. This is extremely important to be happy, not to mention everything that involves visiting new places: knowing new cultures, experiencing adrenaline and even meeting your better half.

3. Meet new people

Meeting new people, and establishing strong bonds, makes you feel protected and accompanied by a social circle that, like you, seeks the happiness of each and everyone together. All this, without a doubt, is healthy and therefore essential to be happy.

The key to meeting new people is to always be open, because constant practice allows you to select and choose those who really do generate well-being and happiness, which also resides in the tranquility of having someone to trust.

This applies when making friends, looking for a partner or socializing at work. Discovering the virtues of other human beings and how they can complement yours is something wonderful and pleasant.

4. Learn something new

Do you remember what it felt like when you finally learned to ride a bike without side wheels? Or when you finally managed to tie your shoelaces without help? Those feelings remain the same despite the years.

Learning something new is, in addition to being useful, of course, vital for health and therefore for being happy. Growing up intellectually and physically is a wonderful thing. No matter how small it is, it can be from learning a water sport , a new language or creating animals with origami style paper.

The fact of experiencing learning is extremely positive for our well-being, as it implies adding achievements and keeping our mind active.

And if it is about learning, in addition to traveling and meeting new people, you can put these tips into practice to be happy with these experiences that will lead you to live the adventure of your life:

5. Get out of your comfort zone

You’ve probably heard this phrase more than once, but what does it have to do with being happy? Well, leaving the comfort zone means breaking the monotony. Many times we get stuck in a routine that unconsciously generates dissatisfaction and it is difficult to find a way out of it.

To break with this it is useful to identify what has stopped exciting you and perhaps make a list of things that you want to do but do not dare. The key is to do, do and do.

Once you overcome your fear and dare to, for example, declare your love to someone, climb a mountain or fly paragliding to overcome your fear of heights, you will feel full happiness, because once again the satisfaction of having achieved it comes into play. , and you deserve a reward.

